GoombApe – 10 cc Liquid Culture Syringe
Haole – 10 cc Liquid Culture Syringe
King Phobos – 10 cc Liquid Culture Syringe
Og Jack Frost – 10 cc Liquid Culture Syringe
Og King Ak Apes – 10 cc Liquid Culture Syringe
The oldest Apes Culture from Fungi Corazza Lab, at least 5 yrs! This specific Apes cut has not seen the day of light for the last 2 yrs, but it has been resurrected and added back to the Fungi Corazzalineup!
Know for its classic battle helmet shape and smooth blue cap phenotype, this variety prefers a casing layer to fully showcase its potential or it may cause the fruiting bodies to blob up. Fungi Corazza prefers to harvest when the stipe of the mushroom has a marshmallow consistency when squeezed.