Showing 13–21 of 21 results

GoombApe – 10 cc Liquid Culture Syringe

First Generation Clone. Latest Apes isolation by Fungi Corazza 👑 This isolation takes you back to Nostalgia with the Original King AK Apes, retaining a wide baseline and the classic blue bell shaped helmet caps.   You will not be disappointed!!

Haole – 10 cc Liquid Culture Syringe


Origin: Albino PES Hawaiian.

Fast to coloniize and aggressive on Agar. Definitely a great Genetic that is very easy to work with.

King Phobos – 10 cc Liquid Culture Syringe


An isolation of the Original Phobos (Albino Mars)

Goomba King’s first isolation “King Phobos” was brought back from hibernation after almost sitting dormant for the past two years!

The original Phobos was sourced from MycoCat Genetics.

Makilla Gorilla – 10 cc Liquid Culture Syringe


10cc Liquid Culture Syringe

Hybrid cross between Melmak PE & Albino Penis Envy

Og Jack Frost – 10 cc Liquid Culture Syringe


10cc Liquid Culture Syringe

Hybrid cross between True Albino Teachers (TAT) & Albino Penis Envy (Apes)

Og King Ak Apes – 10 cc Liquid Culture Syringe


The oldest Apes Culture from Fungi Corazza Lab, at least 5 yrs! This specific Apes cut has not seen the day of light for the last 2 yrs, but it has been resurrected and added back to the Fungi Corazzalineup!

Know for its classic battle helmet shape and smooth blue cap phenotype, this variety prefers a casing layer to fully showcase its potential or it may cause the fruiting bodies to blob up. Fungi Corazza prefers to harvest when the stipe of the mushroom has a marshmallow consistency when squeezed.